The 1.0.4 Release fixes many small bugs and also provides historic data storage as a beta option.

Added / changed:



Announcing the 1.0.4 Upgrade!

Reloaded - Faster and Better

Quantum Integration is excited to announce that the 1.0.4 upgrade is now available, free to all existing users and new customers. Among the many improvements we have made are enhancements to system stability & performance, and also advanced cloud connection authentication refresh leading to logout on Q-Server.

Right from the start you will experience the difference with more rapid led status light up on first boot to indicate “Quantum Setup” wifi. In the app builder we’ve improved the execute function in several beta code objects to allow triggering from any in-port.

History 101

Because many of you have been asking for historic data to track changes, for instance when using our popular projects like the weather station or plant waterer, we’ve added some convenient beta objects. Included in the new beta objects are the following:

Importantly, there is all-new Historic Data storage so you can keep track of things over a period of time.

Let’s Get Graphic

For the first time, with the 1.0.4 update we are offering you clear and attractive Line Graph and Time Graph beta objects.

Changes for App Builders

·         Added firmware drivers for the ACS712 current sensor

·         Increased the limit of Analog Services to 6 per Firmware

Library App Upgrade

·         We’ve speeded up loading times, especially for our friend across the pond, in Australia, Europe and Asia.