Use Time of Day Service


The Time of Day Service lets you trigger other objects and flows at certain times or events.

This service does not require an active internet connection and will work offline once downloaded.

Due to rounding the sunrise / sunset time might be off by a maximum of +3/-3 minutes.


  1. Navigate to your Q-Server and click on ‘Library’ on the left side of your screen and click ‘Download’ on the Time of Day service.


  2. Select the ‘Services’ tab on the left side of the screen and click ‘Start’ under the actions menu for Time of Day.


  3. Locate the latitude and longitude in decimal degrees of the Q-Server. You can use the find the longitude and latitude of your location. E.g. 34.052235 (latitude) -118.243683 (longitude)

  4. A configure window will appear. Enter the latitude and longitude and hit 'Next'.


  5. When you are done. Click ‘Activate’


To use the time of day service objects, simply drag them onto the app canvas:

See the documentation for these objects for the specific behavior:

Example App

The example app uses all the objects for the time of day service. Once started it will schedule the sunrise and sunset to output to their corresponding ‘Text’ objects. These will be available in their corresponding tabs.
The sunrise will have an offset of -30 mins, as set as the default value in ‘Before sunrise (Min)'. The sunset will have an offset of +10 min, as set as the default value in 'After sunset (Min)’.

The ‘Time of Day’ object has Monday and Tuesday active by default. Use the time picker in the ‘Time of Day’-tab to set a time and press the ‘Trigger Time of Day’ to activate the schedule. Once a condition is met (day of the week and time) the Time of Day Out will be filled with the Date of the condition.

