Use Network Service


The 'Network' service lets you communicate with websites and devices locally and on the internet.
Currently only HTTP is supported.

This service does not require an active internet connection and will work offline once downloaded.


  1. Navigate to your Q-Server and click on ‘Library’ on the left side of your screen and click ‘Download’ on the ‘Network’ service.


  2. Select the ‘Services’ tab on the left side of the screen and click ‘Start’ under the actions menu for Network.


  3. Click ‘Activate’. No configuration needed.


HTTP Header format

The HTTP Header array consists of strings with a key and value operated by an ':'.

So a valid HTTP Header array could look like this:

["Content-Type: application/json", "Location:"]

Whenever a HTTP Snippet allows for sending a body the Content-Length header will be automatically calculated.


To use this the ‘Network’ service objects simply drag them onto the app canvas:

See the documentation for these objects for the specific behavior:

Example App

The example app makes a call to the food recalls API from the US FDA and asks for the latest 10 recalls. It then parses the data and splits them up into arrays for display. Afterwards you can select between the 10 latest cases using the drop down. URL:

To parse the data the app uses a custom snippet, since the data that comes in from different apis can be vastly different.

