

The Color Message Type is STRING based. A specific color is represented by the hex triplet is a six-digit, three-byte hexadecimal number of that color. Read more about Hex Triplets: Wikipedia - Hex Triplet.

Example Data

  • #FFFFFF (White)

  • #000080 (Navy)

  • #FF0000(Red)

Converts to

Message Type


Message Type


Always triggers

Clears Display and shows Hex Color code

Can set induvidual LEDs by combining colors in correct oder. Example:
#FF0000> all LEDs red
#FF0000#FFFFFF> first LED red second led white other LEDs off.
#FF0000#FF0000#FF0000> First 3 LEDs red rest off.

Directly converts and shows Hex String

If color code is #000000 (black) the Light is turned off. Otherwise its turned on and if a RGB LED is mapped then the right color is set.

Any Signal that is not mentioned on the table above should not be able to convert

Debug View

In the Debug View values can be written to or read from the drivers on the Builder Base directly.


To be received correctly, a message has to be written in the following format: #{red byte}{green byte}{blue byte}. For example: “#FFFF00“ for yellow.