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This tutorial will show you how to wire up an LED circuit, connect it to the Quantum system, and create a simple demo using it.

What is a LED?

An LED ist a light emitting diode with two pins. The long pin represents the anode, the shorter pin the cathode.

Assemble the LED Circuit










Radial LED (5mm)


Included in Starter Kit

Or you can purchase it here


Tactile Push Button


Included in Starter Kit

Or you can purchase it here


Breadboard (any size)


Included in Starter Kit

Or you can purchase it here


Jumper Cables (MM)


Included in Starter Kit

Or you can purchase it here

Q-Client Builder Base



If you have all the parts listed above, we can go ahead and build the circuit. It should look like this:

The anode side of the LED should be connected to the right side of the breadboard. The cathode pin is connected to the left side of the breadboard.

Pair the Builder Base

Now we want to pair the Builder Base with our Q-Server. In order to do so, go to the Homescreen of your Q-Server.

Next click on the lift side symbol labeled “Clients”. Switch to the “Unpaired” tab at the top middle of the screen.

You should see your unpaired Builder Base. If not, check if you have plugged in the power supply for the Builder Base. Now move to the three dots below “Actions” and click “Pair”.

Once your Client is paired, click the “Setup” button.

Now you can edit your Client. Give him a Name you want and also a location where you are going to use it. We named ours “LED” and chose the location “Studio”. Hit “Save” when you finished.

Build the Firmware

So once the Builder Base is paired and set up, we can start building our firmware. Move to the “Firmware” tab on the left side of your Q-Server interface. Hit “+ Create New”.

You will be prompted to give your new firmware a name. We named ours “LED”.

Once you created the new firmware, hit the “+ Add Hardware” button on the top, next to the “Actions” button.

We are going to search for a LED. You can use the search bar or scroll down till you find it. After this, you can give it a name and then click on “Add Hardware”. We named ours LED aswell.

Next we need to configure the firmware. Click on the LED firmware and select the “GPIO” for the driver.

After this we have to select the correct pin. We will select “GP0” for the pin, because this is the pin where we put the blue wire into the Builder Base. For the “Mode” choose “Initially Low”.

Hit the “Save” button. Next we have to upload the firmware file to our Builder Base. Click on the three dots below “Actions” and click on “Upload”.

Choose the correct Builder Base and hit “Upload”. You should see a progress bar pop up at the right side of your screen.

Build the App

While the firmware is uploading, we can build the application for our LED. Move to the “Apps” tab on the left side. Click on “Create New” and give it a name you want. We named ours again “LED”. Hit “Create”.

You will find yourself on the Canvas. For this tutorial we will have the LED to turn on with a physical push button that’s hooked up to another Builder Base with the firmware file already uploaded and powered on. If you don’t know how to connect a Button with a Builder Base and build the firmware, you can use this Tutorial for more information. We will use the push button to demonstrate how to turn on the LED.

For this project we will need a Hardware LED-Object, a Hardware Button-Object and an Interface Button-Object.

Connect the objects like we did in the picture above. Later we can use the Interface Button to control the LED without a physical button just by using this object on the dashboard. Next we are going to name the hardware objects. We named the LED object “LED”.

Click “Save App” on the top right. You will return to the first screen of the “Apps” tab. Now click the play button on the bar located at the right side.

Now we have to map the blue hardware objects we have put together before to the hardware. Click on the Button and choose the Client, which is connected to the physical Button. Do this also for the LED.

Hit “Save + Run” to start your app.

Run the App!

When you push the physical Button, the LED should light up:

Also you can control the LED trough the Q-Server. To do so, click on the “Dashboard” on the top right corner.

It will take you to a new tab where you can see the App. Click on it.

When you click this Button, then the LED should also light up.

This is how you connect and can use a simply LED with the Quantum System.

Happy Making!