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Table of Contents
Widget Connector


This tutorial will show you how to use an WS2812 RGB LED Strip, connect it to the Quantum system, and create a simple demo using it.


What is a WS2812 RGB LED Strip?


The WS2812 drivers can drive LEDs connected in series which are supporting the WS2812 protocol. The drivers implementation allows to drive up to 135 LEDs. For more information have a look at WS2812 driver. We will use a bigger version of a WS2812 RGB LED Strip:



Assemble the Circuit





WS2812 RGB Led Strip


Included in Component Kit

Or you can purchase it here

Q-Client Builder Base




The red wire is the power which is connected to the 5V socket of the Builder Base. The green wire is the signal wire. It will send the signals like which colour is used for the LED strip. The white/green wire is the ground wire. It is connected to the GND channel off the Builder Base. As you can see there are two additional wires we are not using, another red wire and a white wire. The red wire is used for additional power supply connection and the white for the extra ground connection of the second power input. We wont need this but keep in mind that the Builder Base can only support up to 135 LEDs at the moment.


Pair the Builder Base

Now we want to pair the Builder Base with our Q-Server. In order to do so, go to the Homescreen of your Q-Server.


Now you can edit your Client. Give him a Name you want and also a location where you are going to use it. Hit “Save” when you finished.


Build the Firmware

So once the Builder Base is paired and set up, we can start building our firmware. Move to the “Firmware” tab on the left side of your Q-Server interface. Hit “+ Create New”.


Choose the correct Builder Base in our case we named it “WS2812” and hit “Upload”. You should see a progress bar pop up at the right side of your screen.


Build the App

While the firmware is uploading, we can build the application for our Button. Move to the “Apps” tab on the left side. Click on “Create New” and give it a name you want. We named ours again “LED Strip”. Hit “Create”.


Once you done click “Save + Run”.


Run the App!

Click on the “Dashboard” icon in the top right corner.


In the next picture you can see that after 135 LEDs the next LEDs will not light up.


This is how you connect and use a WS2812 RGB LED Strip with the Quantum System. We also learned that we can only connect 135 LEDs to the Builder Base.
