1.13 - Location Assignments


For Fullscreen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHsgzbCghK4

This tutorial will show you how to create your own location on your Q-Server that you can assign your Builder Bases to.

What are location assignments?

Location assignments is a feature of the quantum platform where you can assign locations to specific Builder Bases that are connected to your Q-Server. Each Builder Base can have a different location so you can determine where the Builder Bases are location in your building which helps you to easily differentiate them.

Assign locations

If you go to your Clients tab on your Q-Server you will see your paired and unpaired Clients.

As you can see under location there is no location assigned to that Builder Base Q #00010. If you want to assign a location, simply click on the three dots under Actions. A menu will open with different action tabs. Click on “Edit“ to set a location.

A new tab will pop up and you see different information about your selected client.

If you click on the drop down menu of the location you will see three rooms that come default with your Q-Server.

Creating a location

If you want to have more locations than Kitchen, living room and office you can create your own locations. Go to the settings of the Q-Server by clicking on the mechanical wheel in the top right corner.

Move to “Location Settings“.

Where it says “Enter location“ go ahead and type in the type of location that you want. We will make a new location named “Workshop“.

If hit “Add” now the location will be added to the already existing ones.

As you can see the “Workshop” location is now part of the list. You can also delete locations from the list by clicking on the bucket. Also there is a info of how many Clients are assigned to a location. Once you added your new location go back to your Clients tab and edit the Client again you want to set a location to.

You will see that the location we added before is now visible in the locations for your specific Builder Base or Client. Set the desired location and then click “Save”.

Now a assigned location can be seen in the Clients tab for your specific Builder Base.

It is pretty useful especially when you have multiple Builder Bases paired to your Q-Server. Assigning locations just help distinguish it and help you manage these different Builder Bases beyond then just creating a name for it.

We hope this will help you manage your Builder Bases. Happy making!