

The Percent Message Type is NUMBER based and has a range from 0-100.

Example Data

  • 10%

  • 20%

  • 100%

Converts to

Message Type


Message Type


Anything above 0% is true

Always Triggers

Directly converts (according to range: 0-100 → 0-4095)

Directly converts (according to range: 0-100 → 0-180)

Percent is scaled to fit the 255 Hex Range of Color and fills all three color values to represent a shade of grey.

Percent is scaled to fit the 255 Hex Range of Smart Color and fills all three color values to represent a shade of grey.

numbers between 0-15 are represented as 0-F

Clears screen and shows Percent in String on Screen

Directly converts (according to range: 0-100 → 0-255)

Directly converts to String

Directly converts (according to range: 0-100 → custom low-custom top)

Directly converts

0% turns off the light, everything above 0% turns on the light and sets the brightness to the percent value.

Directly converts (according to range: 0-100 → -255-255)

Any Signal that is not mentioned on the table above should not be able to convert.

Debug View

In the Debug View values can be written to or read from the drivers on the Builder Base directly.


A value between 0 and 100 is going to be returned.